At last: affordable hearing aids, but not from ‘them’
Brands we thought were just audio and headset makers like Bose and Jabra now offer ‘affordable’ hearing aids in US Pic: Bose aids being worn by a client. Recent changes in US laws mean that over-the-counter-aids are now legal in America — and of course the US market...
Your Hearing Loss Journey
Things have changed if you have a hearing disability. Captioning in real time extends the idea of subtitles on TV to full interactive events. Today we can use an app on our smart phones, or a dedicated machine, or the built-in features like Google Meet’s live...
Charities are calling for YouTube to reconsider getting rid of a tool that helps people with hearing loss watch videos.
A story from the BBC News, at captions - when users upload subtitles to other people's videos - are being removed from the platform.The British Deaf Association and Action on Hearing Loss say YouTube should...
Trailblazer Emma Watkins pioneered the future of The Wiggles with passion and advocacy
No doubt you will remember Emma the Yellow Wiggle. She was the first female Wiggle, appointed in 2013, and has been hugely popular. Aided by her use of Auslan signing during her performances, to support deaf community audience members. Her retirement is simply another...
Enjoy Art Exhibitions? Try ‘As We Are’. 2021 awards now open…
As We Are is a great website supporting artists with intellectual disabilities. Check out for details of their exhibition showcasing Western Australian artists with intellectual disability.
Coffee break in style!
Coffee after the board meeting for October.
Alternative to Captel Captioned phone – at last
After the Federal Government stopped supporting the captioning phone service known as Captel, a couple of years ago, there was no replacement. This disadvantaged many people living remotely with a hearing disability. At last this has changed, as Ian Rimes from Better...
Sign Language Key to Accessibility and more
Today (well maybe not, but it was the day we wrote this post!) is a special day for those of us who support signing — it is the International Day of Sign Languages! 21 September each year. So not a bad time to point out that the languages of signing are the key to...
Barbara teaches signing at the Qsign Launch in a Brightwater centre
Barbara, our teacher of Conversational Auslan and the signing consultant on the Qsign Project (see other News for that story) was giving a lesson when the ABC turned up and recorded interviews and other material which formed the basis of their introduction to the...
The sign language project aiming to improve the lives of older Australians
Our Qsign project — a joint venture between BHA (WA), Brightwater Care and ECU, and generously funded by Lottery West — has issued its first Media Release, and thanks the PR staff at ECU we have already had good stories on the ABC. Shortly a general media release...