Classes and LipReading app

Hearing Loss Management Sessions

Better Hearing WA offer Hearing Loss Management Sessions. These classes offer sharing of experiences with others in similar circumstances to yourself, strategies on how to live life to the best with your hearing loss, and most importantly, a friendly and supportive environment in which to grow your knowledge.

Lip Reading Classes

Better Hearing WA runs a lipreading class on Tuesday mornings. Everyone can tell you why it’s so difficult, but the truth is, we ALL do some lipreading. Learning another skill, and doing it better, is good for your brain AND good for your hearing! 

(NOTE the app requires ‘http://‘ so is not yet ‘secure’ (https://) but as it is on our site, it is quite safe. However, you will need to remove the letter ’s’ from any address saying “https://betterhearing… etc” and make it read like this: ““ 

You’ll know its right on a laptop or desktop if it pops up full sized not half-sized…

And on a smaller device if the URL says Not secure…! But its all on our website, so until we can fix it, this is quite safe to use…

Auslan Conversation Classes

Better Hearing WA runs Auslan Conversation classes. See this article on what sign language teaches us about the brain.

on Laptop or Desktop…

Full-sized not Half-sized

Better Hearing Australia Lip Reading Application

Better Hearing WA have developed a Lip Reading Application in collaboration with ECU students Teegan Lincoln and Michelle Tan. It is free to use, and we would welcome your comments and suggestions so that we can continue to improve it.   Please use the Contact section to give us your feedback.


Watch Better Hearing WA’s very own lipreading challenge filmed in Fremantle Western Australia
Sharing Experiences with other Better Hearing WA Members
Lip Reading Classes –
Tuesday mornings during school term
Lip Reading Competition –
An Annual Event
Auslan Conversation Classes –
Tuesday mornings during school term
Assistive Listening Device Demonstrations –
As Advised
Workshops –
As advised during the year
Extra Sessions –
Sessions during Holidays